Monday 17 May 2010


Grading criteria:

1) You should participate in the shootings at the Spring Festival + Report on your experience (1 page - NO PRINT-OUT SEND TO ): 10 pts. - REPORT DEADLINE 21 MAY 2010 - STIRCT
2) In-class participation: 10 pts.
3) Paper: "How does the filmmaking process work, what are the job descriptions and what are the relations between jobs" (3-4 pages - NO PRINT-OUT SEND TO ): 30pts - DEADLINE 21 MAY 2010 - STIRCT
4) Final Project: 3 minute film, subject "A DAY IN YOUR LIFE" - consider the angles, shots but mostly THE STORY AND HOW YOU TELL IT - 50pt - Deadline will be announced.

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